online accessibility survey

I’ve updated the previous survey I did for Nice Time to be more relevant, following various online experiences during lockdown.

I’m putting together a plan for a project specifically for chronically ill and d/Deaf/disabled persons, which would involve online workshops, creative & craftivist support groups, skill sessions and a final collaborative piece of work and exhibition.

Please take a couple of minutes to fill it in and share with relevant parties! You don’t have to be interested in the project to fill the survey in, I’m just looking to get as much information as possible about the types of technology people have found most accessible (and most inaccessible!) over the last 4 months or so.

The findings will help to produce truly best practice moving forward and will hopefully provide a substantive resource for use throughout the sector.

The survey is embedded below but can also be filled out in a separate window by clicking here.

If you’re generally interested in online accessibility, or know someone else who is, do take a look at this fantastic resource put together by Little Cog Theatre on how to make online meetings more accessible.

Have a gander at the online access page for more information, and please let me know if you’d like to be involved in a craftivism project either as a supporting artist, workshop facilitator or participant.

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